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2023-09-07 来源: 类别: 更多范文

Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher in the Lifelong Learning Sector “A teacher’s prime task is to engage the student in the learning process” (Minton and Castling 1997) To achieve this role a teacher must: ? Identify the needs of the learners, this will require a method of assessing learner’s previous knowledge of the subject being taught. ? Plan effectively, using a well structured lesson plan, including, where required, differentiation as adult learners have different experiences and do not all learn in the same manner or pace. ? Have a method of assessing learning outcomes ? To ensure that all learners are comfortable and equally able to achieve the goals set for them ? To recognise and implement different learning styles and use a variety of delivery methods i.e. visual, auditory and kinaesthetic styles which will encourage inclusion and promote differentiation and so facilitate effective learning. ? To inspire and motivate the learner by being passionate and knowledgeable about the subject being taught. Stated by Draves (1984). A teacher must be approachable and friendly whilst maintaining a professional boundary. ? To evaluate lessons to check the achievement of lesson objectives. This also allows the teacher to monitor the effectiveness of their lesson and improve quality. These factors should not be set in stone, but be flexible, so they can be changed or modified to accommodate different abilities and learning styles of learners. Another important role of the teacher is to identify the motivation of the learners, as Robert Gagne (1977:206) stated” It is the first phase of the learning process.” The teacher must then facilitate the learner to achieve their motives and goals. This would appear to be easier if the motivation of the learner is Intrinsic as they already possess the desire to achieve, the learners who have Extrinsic motivation must be set realistic attainable goals and given reward and praise for success and performance. As well as providing study support for learners a teacher must also provide pastoral support. There are also legal responsibilities that a teacher must adhere to ? Health and Safety at Work – A teacher must recognise and manage any risks and make learners aware of the same. This could involve COSHH if substances are used in the learning process. The teacher must also familiarise themselves with the company/institution Health and Safety policy. ? Disabilities discrimination Act – A teacher has to ensure disabled people have equal opportunities, that their needs are met and are not treated unfavourably because they have a disability, regardless of any extra work/effort involved. ? Data Protection Act – Teachers are required to only keep data which is accurate, relevant and not excessive, for longer than is necessary. ? Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults – Teachers must be aware of the different types of abuse, their manifestations and the correct procedure for reporting suspected cases of abuse. BIBLIOGRAPHY Draves,W.A. (1984) How to Teach Adults Manhattan: Kan. Gagne, R (1977) CONDITIONS OF LEARNING New York: Holt. Minton, D and Castling, A. (1997) TEACHING SKILLS IN FURTHER AND ADULT EDUCATION. 3rd Edition. City and Guilds Co-Publishing Series.
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