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History of decoration

2023-09-07 来源: 类别: 更多范文

The historical source of ornament comes from the the antique Greek meander art. The pattern is continously applied to the design until now. It is also called Greek fret or Greek key design. In the Greek architecture, the decorative border of meander art with the decoration of floral patterns. It is usually implemented to the architectural friezes. The fundamental design motify symbolizes the infinity and unity through its interlocking shapes. It is composed of angular shaped lines without the enclosed end.


In the first pattern, I experimented with the mirrior idea. Using the circle meander pattern as the center mirror the floral pattern in the oppsite side. The full pattern is composed of one circular meander pattern with four floral pattern located at the right angle.


In the second pattern, I experimented the mirrior idea in the vertical way. It seems that the floral patterns hold up the circular meander pattern. The floral pattern is mirrored by the center line. The whole pattern use the same center line that crosses the center of the circular meander pattern.


In the third pattern, I experiemented the inclusive idea that is to put the floral pattern in the middle of the circular meander pattern, which emphasizes the circle loop and containment.


In the fourth pattern, I kept experimenting with the idea of mirrior and repetition idea based on the first pattern. The floral pattern goes around the circular meander pattern. Each pattern is located at an angle of 45 degree. The whole pattern is composed of one circular meander with six floral pattern.


The wall design takes inspiration from the Greek key design concept. The simplified floral pattern has been developed as an individual element to crown the top of the wall. The wall design is derived from the angluar shapes of meander art. The intended affect also comes from The concrete material gives the sense of weight.

The feeling of modernity annd simplicity experienced by the audience is achieved through:

l The large scale of the wall in relation to the audience

l The repetition patterns gives the senses of infinity

l The middle arched door gives the sense of being condensed





The wall design takes inspiration from the Greek key design concept. The design mainly maintain the complexity of the floral pattern that has been emphasized its natural quality through its  shapes and green color. The large facade of the wall uses more solid circular shapes to form the floral shapes. The meander pattern looks like the supporter to the circular shapes. Through the decreasing the wall size and increasing the door size to reach the visual balance on its complicated design.

The feeling of the Greek architectural authority experienced by the audience is achieved through:

l The complex shape of crowns and walls gives the sense of heavy

l The large rectangle gate gives the sense of welcoming

l The repetition of complex patterns gives the sense of infinity





The wall design takes inspriation from the antique Greek meander art and Greek architecture edge design. The design adds more entertaining elements through the outer contour. The whole design looks more modular quality. The crown utilizes the meander art. The floral pattern becomes the small portion of the decorative elements.


The feeling of the entertaining, modernity, and authority experienced by the audience is achieved through:

l The large scale of the wall in relation to the audience

l The structural quality of the crown shape

l The large portion of simple line and circular shapes to be decoration

l The comparsion of the arch gate with the angular outer contour

l The floral-pattern structural function

l The white concrete material quality

l The heavy depth of the wall


The wall feasures as the gate front, which is suitable for the eye catching by its height. The form of the structure and the combination of pattern designs balances the heaviness and the lightness.





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