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Case study: A case analysis of Always's 'like a girl' campaign

2023-09-07 来源: 类别: 更多范文

下面为大家整理一篇 的代写范文 --Case study: A case analysis of Always's 'like a girl' campaign,文章讲述本文的目的是运用公共关系理论来分析文化、社会和公众运动的含义,并探讨其所使用的策略。首先,我概述了与文化资本特别是性别理论相关的主要理论概念。本文将运用布迪厄的资本理论。根据布迪厄(1990),引用在Ihlen?(2009),资本是一个劳动力需要训练,这不是自然(Ihlen?,2009)。同时,布迪厄将资本划分为经济资本、社会资本和文化资本三种具体形式。文化资本包括知识、技能和教育资格。


Since January, 1983,Always started to test market in Minnesota And then Always was brought in the United State market. Meanwhile, Always was sold in Europe and a part of countries in the Middle East. Nowadays, the products of feminine care from Always are popular in the world.

In 2013, Always began a campaign around the world. It used a commonly-used insult "like a girl" and tried to change the meaning to "downright amazing" through creating some moment. Because when people say ‘you do something like a girl’, it sounds like an insult. The campaign created a video that recorded how people express the phrase "like a girl" and want to change the meaning of it.

According to Judy John, the chief executive officer Leo Burnett Canada, Always company sets out to the girls who were the future of the brand. Girls usually keep contact with Always at their puberty. It makes they feel unconfident and clumsy. Meanwhile, research of the campaign showed lots of women expressed that their confidence declined in some ways at puberty. The purpose of the brand was clear, to give girls powerful support when they experiencing a tough time.

The aim of this essay is to use some PR theories to analyze the implication of the campaign for culture, society and the public, and examines the strategies it used.

First I present an overview of the main theoretical concepts associated with cultural capital and gender theories in particular. The theories about capital from Bourdieu will be used in this paper. According to Bourdieu(1990), cited in Ihlen, ?(2009), capital is a labour need trained, it is not natural (Ihlen, ?,2009). Meanwhile, Bourdieu divided capitals to three specific forms, economic capital, social capital and cultural capital. Cultural capital contains knowledge, skills and educational qualifications. It is important to the formation people's taste and value. According to Gayo-Cal.et.al (2006), cultural capital is based on family background and education, and there is a link between cultural capital and symbolic power. Bourdieu (1997), cited in Edward (2008), showed that cultural capital is the foundation of other types. Through the spread of family, it formed by connecting different factors in social world such as the loyalty of family, and good manners. These behaviors help them to improve their individual quality. The abilities of cultural capital are transferred through the process of socialization. It seems like that different individual hold different cultural capital. And they can use it to find their social position (Edward, 2008). Therefore, cultural capital is not only important to individuals, but also to the society. Society consists of different individuals, if everyone has the high quality of cultural capital, the society will be better.

On the other hand, the theories of gender are quite useful to analyzing the campaign. According to Bem (1981), the difference between male and female exists in every society. Our society always gives the two sexes different tasks. Based on these tasks, people always define gender in the way that society gives us. Then the public will keep the mind and teach their child how to express their gender.

Based on Butler (1990, p179), gender is not totally nature, culture shapes gender in some ways, it produced through the sexual expression for years. For example, men are strong, while women are weak, heterosexuality is normal, while homosexual is unmoral.  People learned how to display gender from cultural custom (Butler, 1990). At the same time, gender schema is a quite unsure area in our society. It is hard to define women and men in public relations. However, our society began to think about the relationship between the two sexes, and thought about the power of public relationship to affect the gender schema in society (Daymon, Christine, 2013)

Then, this paper will analyze the strategies and tactic which the campaign used. Meanwhile, the implications of the campaign will be shown. And it will discuss the impact on culture, society and the public.

At girls' puberty, their confidence declined. Some harmful phrases will make girls doubt on their own power at the sensitive time. Always company found that the phrase ' like a girl ' may have some negative impacts on girls' life. Therefore, Always company began this campaign, trying to build a new and meaningful phrase 'like a girl', when they experience the sensitive time.

When assessing the campaign, it is important to examine the strategies management of Always Company. First, Always company used leverage research data. Company used the insights and data in order to increase the news value and campaign credibility. Before the company produced the video, they did some researches. Based on their research, it is better for them to understand girls' confidence at puberty. They found that girls experienced the biggest drop in confidence. The phrase 'like a girl' has become an insult. These results can help them to make sure the key idea in the campaign. Then, the campaign introduced the hash tag. The company knew that if they want to change the meaning of the phrase, they must introduce the social hash tag #likeagirl as a slogan, to let the world know girls can do something amazing just 'like a girl'. Launching the video was important in our life. Mass media always attracts people in the first time. Always company used media's ability to expand the campaign's popularity. The Always 'like a girl' video was published on Always' YouTube site on June 26th. Before publishing of the video, some famous bloggers shared it on their social websites to help it spread. After publishing, company used the online and broadcast media to pay close attention to the gender trouble and feminism. The strategic media outreach ensured the campaign can keep a high attention in society. Celebrities were also invited to take part in the campaign. Celebrities including Tyler Oakley, Sarah Silverman and Kristen Bell shared the video and message in their blog or social website. It attracted more attention. Meanwhile, Facebook and Twitter, the two social platforms, used as a real-time news desk. They monitored and took part in the real time and maximized social sharing. At last, 'like a girl' was not a campaign in limited place, but a global campaign. Excepted success in North America, the campaign spread to 20 markets.

When we analyse the campaign, it is important to understand the meaning of cultural capital. According to Bourdieu, cited in Ihlen.et.al (2009), cultural capital is a kind of accumulated labour. It can affect people's value and taste. It might shape a person to some extent. Bourdieu showed that specific resources or cultural capital were linked to taste cultures, it is able to divide people into different groups. On the other hand, it may affect people's estimate to the society and event (Leiss and Botterill, 2005)

That's why Always Company created the campaign. From this campaign, we can realize that our society might misunderstand the meaning of 'girl' and forced girls to display like a girl in some wrong way. In the video of the campaign, when producer asked people to run 'like a girl' or fight 'like a girl', people always showed the weakness and shyness. It looks like the society considers girls' shows only powerless. However, when producer asked the little girl to run 'like a girl', they just run like themselves, trying their best. In my view, it confirms Bourdieu's viewpoint, the cultural capital could affect the action and concept of people. Little girls have not contact society too much, which means they still keep their own mind in some ways.

The campaign is very meaningful. It likes tried to change the cultural capital of people they had before. Once the video of campaign produced, it began to spread the message and encourage females rethink their location in the society. Females are encouraged to doubt the message they accept from their culture.

Meanwhile, it makes people realize using 'like a girl' to describe someone did something bad is an insult. The campaign changed the public's awareness and transformed the way when people think about the phrase. It is another way to change the culture people achieved. According to Ihlen (2009, p72), Bourdieu's work showed that the values and relations of social space are passed on from this generation to the next. Cultural capital always has this function. In consequence, the campaign might change the things which pass to the next generations. It helps girls, women and the public realised how powerful females are. Maybe after the campaign, when using the phrase 'like a girl', it means you do something perfect. On the other hand, since the video, girls began to think about which things are truly right they could do. It means females have more freedom to do the things they really want to do. No one will blame them because it does not look like a girl. Maybe it will be passed to the next generation, to form a good and useful cultural capital.

And the campaign is quite meaningful for society. It started as a small social event and gained a remarkable achievement when it spread all over the world. It makes #LikeAGirl video become one of the most popular video in 2013. Meanwhile, based on the brand research, about 81% women support the campaign and touched by the inspiring video. Additionally, the video achieved 76MM total global video views on YouTube from 150 countries, more than one million people shared the video. The program achieved 4.5 billion impressions around the globe, including 1.7b in the U.S., 1.6b in the UK, 418m in France, 302m in China, 148m in Germany, 63m in Brazil, 41m in Mexico and 32m in Turkey. The program garnered more than 290 million social impressions and 133 thousand social mentions with #LikeAGirl.

Bourdieu's theory discovered the form that the society linked to the individual. The social world reproduced by individuals and preserved or changed the society itself (Ihlen).

It means the event makes a meaningful effect to our society. The more people take part in the campaign means the behaviour in the society will be changed. The people who watched the video or shared it to others will gain a new concept. Individuals link to society. If we make the mind of person changed, our society might be changed by us. Before the video, it seems like the society have too much limit of females. Since the campaign, the situation might be able to change so far, but it believed our society will have some good transform.

On the other hand, the society thinks highly of the gender trouble in the recent years. Although the position of females is improved, gender trouble still exists. Daymon and Christ (1952) showed that the gender inequalities do exist in our society. The feminist movement always met with resistance, and the inherent gender relations were challenged by various feminist activities. And the society changed every moment, it means based on social activities, our society will produce a new environment and relationships of gender (Daymon and Christ, 1952). Therefore, the campaign from Always Company showed the common trouble in our society. According to the video, we can find that some people misunderstood the phrase 'like a girl' in a derogatory way. Meanwhile, lots of public work showed that gender bias is common in our society. These researches almost focused on some issues such as wage variance and the under-representation of women in high position (Daymon and Christ, 1952). The situation affects the relationship between women and society. It might define that females are weaker than males.

However, the campaign made people rethink the females. It makes some advantageous effect on individuals. And it provided a support for girls who need confidence at their puberty. Always company tried to build a new understanding of the phrase 'like a girl' and rebuild the confidence of females. When girls first contact the brand at their puberty, their confidence is lowest. If someone insults them by using the phrase 'like a girl', it will make some disadvantages in their life. Therefore, Always company tries to give girls power in the sensitive time.

Actually, the doubt about 'man' pointed that we can use 'man' to instead of 'man and 'human'. In addition to words, lots of pictures, magazines, books and museums use the images of men to symbolize humans. Based on the situation, females' rights and roles were covered. It results in another situation that males became the leader of social development. In the history of females' development around the world, the difference of sex is an obstruction to limit female's progress. On the one hand, gender gap shows the natural difference between the two sexes. On the other hand, the gender gap focuses more on the behavior that the two sexes express. The limit affects the occupation and education of females. The factor results in the low location of females in society. Our culture told females they are not suitable to take part in competition. Occupation is the field of males. Therefore when some jobs are believed that they are more suitable to men, women might give up their confidence and choice. The experience from outside formed acknowledge of people. If the modesty and shy be set the necessary condition of females, women will depress themselves in lots of social places according to the condition of females. Hence, the self-awareness is important, and it is also necessary to location of women. Women are always limited by traditional label in the past, even some educated women. The real opposite of women is not male, but the traditional role in their mind. Females got used to see themselves based on the male-biased conceptual scheme. Hence, their personal right is limited. It is limited to make their dreams and wishes come true ( p8). It does not mean after the campaign, every girl can get confidence and do everything they want to do without any limit. The campaign just opens a gap, providing females opportunities to be themselves. They do not be shameful because they are females. On the contrary, they should be proud of that.  In young girls' mind, girl should be strong, powerful and successful. They tried their best to do things that the producer of the video asked they to do. Just like a girl said in the video, we can run like a girl, fight like a girl, even wake up like a girl. That is not something that we should be ashamed of, because we are girls. If we do things like a girl and still be first, then no one would say 'like a girl' is a bad thing.

According to Bulter and Judith P (2006), gender is not totally natural. It is formed by culture in some ways. Through a stylized repetition of acts, gender is an identity tenuously constituted in time. For example, man is strong, while women is weak .People learned how to show their gender through these expression. According to expressions, it makes the next generation have their gender. It showes that culture makes people to be a girl or a boy (Bulter and Judith P, 2006). Therefore, a lot of behaviours we have always been affected by culture. If our culture told us girls should be shy and weak, females would be shaped like these. Just like women in the video, sometimes they showed unconfident and shy. When they were asked to do something like a girl, they expressed that girls should be a weak person. It is the gender expression they learned from culture. According to Barrry.et.al (1957), cited in Bem(1981), it also shows that gender is not a nature. The authors illustrated that the difference between women and men is exists in every human culture. It seems like the two sexes in our society have different tasks, and our society distributes the roles of sex to adults. Then their children inherited the allocation from their parents. Boys and girls need to gain the sex-specific skills, meanwhile, they are expected to female and male as the specific culture wished. It expressed that the process responded the importance and necessary of the gender express. Children learned them from society and got the expected repertoire (Bem, 1981). Maccoby and Jackin (1974), cited in Bem (1981), also mentioned that it is the reason that children displayed their gender when they socialise themselves.

If we ignore the trouble and the campaign is not created by Always Company, people might not realize the problem. It mislead of understanding females' mission may exist. Our society always does something more creative and successful than women in media texts. Female always be formed as a passive and dependent actor. The situation existed until the campaign happened. The video broke the regular. It showed us the two sexes are equal. Females should not be recognized that they are feebler than males. It revealed females can do everything in their ways as good as males, even better than them.

It is argued that the campaign has some advantages to cultural capital of parent is correct. The children will be right. There is no doubt that our children learned gender information, behaviors and attribute confused plan, even no plan about the gender problem. Because adult has the misunderstanding of the problem, their behavior and language will evolve to the wrong gender schema. Children might get the wrong information from the gender schema. They learned the contents linked with their sex and behaviors. Adult played a really important role in children's world, maybe they rarely notice that. The children learned to define their sex and evaluate his or her expression in the gender schema (Bem, 1981). Kagan(1964), cited in Bem (1964), argued that the gender schema becomes a behavior will affect the culture's definition of maleness and femaleness. In China, the education of gender in lots of family is based on their own mind or the experience from life. The old generation always uses the traditional thinking to form their girls and boys. Therefore, it is not wired that almost people have the wrong definition of females and males. If children cannot form as a right gender schema, their whole life might be different. Bem (1964) argued that the gender schema is a structure of cognizance. It guides the perception of an individual when the 'like a girl' video is watched by people. It is a chance for them to rethink their gender schema. It is also beneficial for individuals. When a family has a correct gender schema, the children from that will have the right way to express the gender. If she is a girl, with the confidence, powerful and outstanding expression, she might display excellent in her field. She will be proud because she is a girl. Then it will change the bias to girls from other people in society. If he is a boy, he will show his respect to every female. And he appreciates women, believing that they should have the equal location as men. The gentlemanly behavior will win respect for him. Meanwhile, other people might rethink their language and behavior to females because of that.

Finally, the campaign was definitely successes. Always brand's core is confidence. Always company wishes every female can keep their confidence all of the time, especially during puberty. Girls learn how to express their gender and try to define the two sexes by themselves. Puberty makes them recognize the difference of the two sexes. If society always believes that men are stronger and more powerful than women, it just like that females are not good enough. The concept formed girls' self-knowledge inevitably, and affects their behaviors. Always Company tried to change that. The misunderstanding of 'like a girl' might have destructive effect. Therefore, the campaign created by Always Company might challenge the situation. People all over the world joined the brand to help redefine 'like a girl' as a positive expression. People used the hashtag #LikeAGirl on social media and the real world when they do something amazing. It also included lots of celebrities. Before the campaign, the phrase is always used likes an insult. The situation had improved since the campaign happened (Marketingmagazine.co.uk, 2015). The PR practitioner did a successful PR campaign. It is based on a social problem which people really cared. It not only expended the effect and awareness of the brand, but also improved the attention of the situation. It made a chance to change women's position. Meanwhile, the campaign itself is related to the core value of the brand.

In conclusion, based on the campaign 'like a girl' of Always company, I have summarized the activity and analyzed the strategies they used. 'Like a girl' and campaign created a video to change the meaning of the phrase 'like a girl', tried to improve the confidence of female, especially girls who are at puberty. The creative insight of the campaign was based on our culture. Because the gender stereotypes are so enrooted in culture, sometimes it included the language. In fact, most of the time, the expression 'like a girl' is used as an insult to describe people who are disabled and weak. It made a disadvantageous effect on females. Actually, the truth might be opposite. From the video, we saw that young girls always show the strength and power they have. They have not been influenced by the definition of 'girl'. 'Like a girl' just mean doing something as best as they could. The main platform of the campaign is YouTube and social platform. They created the hashtag #LikeAGirl to appeal people to take part in the activity. Facts proved that it is valid. The company used the power of social media to affect culture.

Then, I used some PR theories to examine the campaign. Bourdieu's theory about cultural capital is related to this campaign. According to Bourdieu, we know that cultural capital is quite import to form people's taste and value. It is a link between individual and family's background and education, the reason why Always company created the campaign was that it tried to change some wrong part in people's cultural capital. The change not only could transform people's behavior and language to females, but also the traditional thinking of women in society.

Another theory I used in this paper is the gender theory. The gender problem always exists in our society. The location of the two sexes is not equal actually. From the video, it is believed that our society had a traditional defining of female. Some people misunderstood the phrase 'like a girl' in a derogatory way. The situation affects the relationship between women and society. It might define that females are weaker than males. Actually, it is demonstrated that gender is not totally natural. It is formed by culture in some ways, gender is an identity tenuously constituted in time through a stylized repetition of acts. People always say man is strong, women is weak. Individual learned how to show their gender through these expressions. But not only that, it makes the next generation learn the wrong gender expression from it. It is showed that culture makes people to be a girl or a boy. Therefore, culture has always affected a lot of behaviours of us. If our culture told us girls should be shy and weak, females would be shaped like these. The campaign of Always Company broke the tradition in some ways. It make people especially females began to think about their perspective of the gender expression.

Based on the previous analysis of the campaign, it is illustrated that 'like a girl' campaign is a successful and useful PR activity. Since the video, 'like a girl' is not an insult anymore, and girls got more support and confidence when they experience the most important time in their life, and the public has a new view to the phrase and females. Except the popular social problem, the brand itself also gained the huge success. Always company became one of the most famous companies of feminine care.

PR practitioners’ cultural capital: An initial study and implications for

research and practice,Lee Edwards?

Leeds Business School, Leighton Hall 215, Headingley Campus, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds LS6 3QS, United Kingdom

Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identityButler, Judith P. Routledge classics, 2006

Since January, 1983,Always started to test market in Minnesota And then Always was brought in the United State market. Meanwhile, Always was sold in Europe and a part of countries in the Middle East. Nowadays, the products of feminine care from Always are popular in the world.

In 2013, Always began a campaign around the world. It used a commonly-used insult "like a girl" and tried to change the meaning to "downright amazing" through creating some moment. Because when people say ‘you do something like a girl’, it sounds like an insult. The campaign created a video that recorded how people express the phrase "like a girl" and want to change the meaning of it.

According to Judy John, the chief executive officer Leo Burnett Canada, Always company sets out to the girls who were the future of the brand. Girls usually keep contact with Always at their puberty. It makes they feel unconfident and clumsy. Meanwhile, research of the campaign showed lots of women expressed that their confidence declined in some ways at puberty. The purpose of the brand was clear, to give girls powerful support when they experiencing a tough time.

The aim of this essay is to use some PR theories to analyze the implication of the campaign for culture, society and the public, and examines the strategies it used.

First I present an overview of the main theoretical concepts associated with cultural capital and gender theories in particular. The theories about capital from Bourdieu will be used in this paper. According to Bourdieu(1990), cited in Ihlen, ?(2009), capital is a labour need trained, it is not natural (Ihlen, ?,2009). Meanwhile, Bourdieu divided capitals to three specific forms, economic capital, social capital and cultural capital. Cultural capital contains knowledge, skills and educational qualifications. It is important to the formation people's taste and value. According to Gayo-Cal.et.al (2006), cultural capital is based on family background and education, and there is a link between cultural capital and symbolic power. Bourdieu (1997), cited in Edward (2008), showed that cultural capital is the foundation of other types. Through the spread of family, it formed by connecting different factors in social world such as the loyalty of family, and good manners. These behaviors help them to improve their individual quality. The abilities of cultural capital are transferred through the process of socialization. It seems like that different individual hold different cultural capital. And they can use it to find their social position (Edward, 2008). Therefore, cultural capital is not only important to individuals, but also to the society. Society consists of different individuals, if everyone has the high quality of cultural capital, the society will be better.

On the other hand, the theories of gender are quite useful to analyzing the campaign. According to Bem (1981), the difference between male and female exists in every society. Our society always gives the two sexes different tasks. Based on these tasks, people always define gender in the way that society gives us. Then the public will keep the mind and teach their child how to express their gender.

Based on Butler (1990, p179), gender is not totally nature, culture shapes gender in some ways, it produced through the sexual expression for years. For example, men are strong, while women are weak, heterosexuality is normal, while homosexual is unmoral.  People learned how to display gender from cultural custom (Butler, 1990). At the same time, gender schema is a quite unsure area in our society. It is hard to define women and men in public relations. However, our society began to think about the relationship between the two sexes, and thought about the power of public relationship to affect the gender schema in society (Daymon, Christine, 2013)

Then, this paper will analyze the strategies and tactic which the campaign used. Meanwhile, the implications of the campaign will be shown. And it will discuss the impact on culture, society and the public.

At girls' puberty, their confidence declined. Some harmful phrases will make girls doubt on their own power at the sensitive time. Always company found that the phrase ' like a girl ' may have some negative impacts on girls' life. Therefore, Always company began this campaign, trying to build a new and meaningful phrase 'like a girl', when they experience the sensitive time.

When assessing the campaign, it is important to examine the strategies management of Always Company. First, Always company used leverage research data. Company used the insights and data in order to increase the news value and campaign credibility. Before the company produced the video, they did some researches. Based on their research, it is better for them to understand girls' confidence at puberty. They found that girls experienced the biggest drop in confidence. The phrase 'like a girl' has become an insult. These results can help them to make sure the key idea in the campaign. Then, the campaign introduced the hash tag. The company knew that if they want to change the meaning of the phrase, they must introduce the social hash tag #likeagirl as a slogan, to let the world know girls can do something amazing just 'like a girl'. Launching the video was important in our life. Mass media always attracts people in the first time. Always company used media's ability to expand the campaign's popularity. The Always 'like a girl' video was published on Always' YouTube site on June 26th. Before publishing of the video, some famous bloggers shared it on their social websites to help it spread. After publishing, company used the online and broadcast media to pay close attention to the gender trouble and feminism. The strategic media outreach ensured the campaign can keep a high attention in society. Celebrities were also invited to take part in the campaign. Celebrities including Tyler Oakley, Sarah Silverman and Kristen Bell shared the video and message in their blog or social website. It attracted more attention. Meanwhile, Facebook and Twitter, the two social platforms, used as a real-time news desk. They monitored and took part in the real time and maximized social sharing. At last, 'like a girl' was not a campaign in limited place, but a global campaign. Excepted success in North America, the campaign spread to 20 markets.

When we analyse the campaign, it is important to understand the meaning of cultural capital. According to Bourdieu, cited in Ihlen.et.al (2009), cultural capital is a kind of accumulated labour. It can affect people's value and taste. It might shape a person to some extent. Bourdieu showed that specific resources or cultural capital were linked to taste cultures, it is able to divide people into different groups. On the other hand, it may affect people's estimate to the society and event (Leiss and Botterill, 2005)

That's why Always Company created the campaign. From this campaign, we can realize that our society might misunderstand the meaning of 'girl' and forced girls to display like a girl in some wrong way. In the video of the campaign, when producer asked people to run 'like a girl' or fight 'like a girl', people always showed the weakness and shyness. It looks like the society considers girls' shows only powerless. However, when producer asked the little girl to run 'like a girl', they just run like themselves, trying their best. In my view, it confirms Bourdieu's viewpoint, the cultural capital could affect the action and concept of people. Little girls have not contact society too much, which means they still keep their own mind in some ways.

The campaign is very meaningful. It likes tried to change the cultural capital of people they had before. Once the video of campaign produced, it began to spread the message and encourage females rethink their location in the society. Females are encouraged to doubt the message they accept from their culture.

Meanwhile, it makes people realize using 'like a girl' to describe someone did something bad is an insult. The campaign changed the public's awareness and transformed the way when people think about the phrase. It is another way to change the culture people achieved. According to Ihlen (2009, p72), Bourdieu's work showed that the values and relations of social space are passed on from this generation to the next. Cultural capital always has this function. In consequence, the campaign might change the things which pass to the next generations. It helps girls, women and the public realised how powerful females are. Maybe after the campaign, when using the phrase 'like a girl', it means you do something perfect. On the other hand, since the video, girls began to think about which things are truly right they could do. It means females have more freedom to do the things they really want to do. No one will blame them because it does not look like a girl. Maybe it will be passed to the next generation, to form a good and useful cultural capital.

And the campaign is quite meaningful for society. It started as a small social event and gained a remarkable achievement when it spread all over the world. It makes #LikeAGirl video become one of the most popular video in 2013. Meanwhile, based on the brand research, about 81% women support the campaign and touched by the inspiring video. Additionally, the video achieved 76MM total global video views on YouTube from 150 countries, more than one million people shared the video. The program achieved 4.5 billion impressions around the globe, including 1.7b in the U.S., 1.6b in the UK, 418m in France, 302m in China, 148m in Germany, 63m in Brazil, 41m in Mexico and 32m in Turkey. The program garnered more than 290 million social impressions and 133 thousand social mentions with #LikeAGirl.

Bourdieu's theory discovered the form that the society linked to the individual. The social world reproduced by individuals and preserved or changed the society itself (Ihlen).

It means the event makes a meaningful effect to our society. The more people take part in the campaign means the behaviour in the society will be changed. The people who watched the video or shared it to others will gain a new concept. Individuals link to society. If we make the mind of person changed, our society might be changed by us. Before the video, it seems like the society have too much limit of females. Since the campaign, the situation might be able to change so far, but it believed our society will have some good transform.

On the other hand, the society thinks highly of the gender trouble in the recent years. Although the position of females is improved, gender trouble still exists. Daymon and Christ (1952) showed that the gender inequalities do exist in our society. The feminist movement always met with resistance, and the inherent gender relations were challenged by various feminist activities. And the society changed every moment, it means based on social activities, our society will produce a new environment and relationships of gender (Daymon and Christ, 1952). Therefore, the campaign from Always Company showed the common trouble in our society. According to the video, we can find that some people misunderstood the phrase 'like a girl' in a derogatory way. Meanwhile, lots of public work showed that gender bias is common in our society. These researches almost focused on some issues such as wage variance and the under-representation of women in high position (Daymon and Christ, 1952). The situation affects the relationship between women and society. It might define that females are weaker than males.

However, the campaign made people rethink the females. It makes some advantageous effect on individuals. And it provided a support for girls who need confidence at their puberty. Always company tried to build a new understanding of the phrase 'like a girl' and rebuild the confidence of females. When girls first contact the brand at their puberty, their confidence is lowest. If someone insults them by using the phrase 'like a girl', it will make some disadvantages in their life. Therefore, Always company tries to give girls power in the sensitive time.

Actually, the doubt about 'man' pointed that we can use 'man' to instead of 'man and 'human'. In addition to words, lots of pictures, magazines, books and museums use the images of men to symbolize humans. Based on the situation, females' rights and roles were covered. It results in another situation that males became the leader of social development. In the history of females' development around the world, the difference of sex is an obstruction to limit female's progress. On the one hand, gender gap shows the natural difference between the two sexes. On the other hand, the gender gap focuses more on the behavior that the two sexes express. The limit affects the occupation and education of females. The factor results in the low location of females in society. Our culture told females they are not suitable to take part in competition. Occupation is the field of males. Therefore when some jobs are believed that they are more suitable to men, women might give up their confidence and choice. The experience from outside formed acknowledge of people. If the modesty and shy be set the necessary condition of females, women will depress themselves in lots of social places according to the condition of females. Hence, the self-awareness is important, and it is also necessary to location of women. Women are always limited by traditional label in the past, even some educated women. The real opposite of women is not male, but the traditional role in their mind. Females got used to see themselves based on the male-biased conceptual scheme. Hence, their personal right is limited. It is limited to make their dreams and wishes come true ( p8). It does not mean after the campaign, every girl can get confidence and do everything they want to do without any limit. The campaign just opens a gap, providing females opportunities to be themselves. They do not be shameful because they are females. On the contrary, they should be proud of that.  In young girls' mind, girl should be strong, powerful and successful. They tried their best to do things that the producer of the video asked they to do. Just like a girl said in the video, we can run like a girl, fight like a girl, even wake up like a girl. That is not something that we should be ashamed of, because we are girls. If we do things like a girl and still be first, then no one would say 'like a girl' is a bad thing.

According to Bulter and Judith P (2006), gender is not totally natural. It is formed by culture in some ways. Through a stylized repetition of acts, gender is an identity tenuously constituted in time. For example, man is strong, while women is weak .People learned how to show their gender through these expression. According to expressions, it makes the next generation have their gender. It showes that culture makes people to be a girl or a boy (Bulter and Judith P, 2006). Therefore, a lot of behaviours we have always been affected by culture. If our culture told us girls should be shy and weak, females would be shaped like these. Just like women in the video, sometimes they showed unconfident and shy. When they were asked to do something like a girl, they expressed that girls should be a weak person. It is the gender expression they learned from culture. According to Barrry.et.al (1957), cited in Bem(1981), it also shows that gender is not a nature. The authors illustrated that the difference between women and men is exists in every human culture. It seems like the two sexes in our society have different tasks, and our society distributes the roles of sex to adults. Then their children inherited the allocation from their parents. Boys and girls need to gain the sex-specific skills, meanwhile, they are expected to female and male as the specific culture wished. It expressed that the process responded the importance and necessary of the gender express. Children learned them from society and got the expected repertoire (Bem, 1981). Maccoby and Jackin (1974), cited in Bem (1981), also mentioned that it is the reason that children displayed their gender when they socialise themselves.

If we ignore the trouble and the campaign is not created by Always Company, people might not realize the problem. It mislead of understanding females' mission may exist. Our society always does something more creative and successful than women in media texts. Female always be formed as a passive and dependent actor. The situation existed until the campaign happened. The video broke the regular. It showed us the two sexes are equal. Females should not be recognized that they are feebler than males. It revealed females can do everything in their ways as good as males, even better than them.

It is argued that the campaign has some advantages to cultural capital of parent is correct. The children will be right. There is no doubt that our children learned gender information, behaviors and attribute confused plan, even no plan about the gender problem. Because adult has the misunderstanding of the problem, their behavior and language will evolve to the wrong gender schema. Children might get the wrong information from the gender schema. They learned the contents linked with their sex and behaviors. Adult played a really important role in children's world, maybe they rarely notice that. The children learned to define their sex and evaluate his or her expression in the gender schema (Bem, 1981). Kagan(1964), cited in Bem (1964), argued that the gender schema becomes a behavior will affect the culture's definition of maleness and femaleness. In China, the education of gender in lots of family is based on their own mind or the experience from life. The old generation always uses the traditional thinking to form their girls and boys. Therefore, it is not wired that almost people have the wrong definition of females and males. If children cannot form as a right gender schema, their whole life might be different. Bem (1964) argued that the gender schema is a structure of cognizance. It guides the perception of an individual when the 'like a girl' video is watched by people. It is a chance for them to rethink their gender schema. It is also beneficial for individuals. When a family has a correct gender schema, the children from that will have the right way to express the gender. If she is a girl, with the confidence, powerful and outstanding expression, she might display excellent in her field. She will be proud because she is a girl. Then it will change the bias to girls from other people in society. If he is a boy, he will show his respect to every female. And he appreciates women, believing that they should have the equal location as men. The gentlemanly behavior will win respect for him. Meanwhile, other people might rethink their language and behavior to females because of that.

Finally, the campaign was definitely successes. Always brand's core is confidence. Always company wishes every female can keep their confidence all of the time, especially during puberty. Girls learn how to express their gender and try to define the two sexes by themselves. Puberty makes them recognize the difference of the two sexes. If society always believes that men are stronger and more powerful than women, it just like that females are not good enough. The concept formed girls' self-knowledge inevitably, and affects their behaviors. Always Company tried to change that. The misunderstanding of 'like a girl' might have destructive effect. Therefore, the campaign created by Always Company might challenge the situation. People all over the world joined the brand to help redefine 'like a girl' as a positive expression. People used the hashtag #LikeAGirl on social media and the real world when they do something amazing. It also included lots of celebrities. Before the campaign, the phrase is always used likes an insult. The situation had improved since the campaign happened (Marketingmagazine.co.uk, 2015). The PR practitioner did a successful PR campaign. It is based on a social problem which people really cared. It not only expended the effect and awareness of the brand, but also improved the attention of the situation. It made a chance to change women's position. Meanwhile, the campaign itself is related to the core value of the brand.

In conclusion, based on the campaign 'like a girl' of Always company, I have summarized the activity and analyzed the strategies they used. 'Like a girl' and campaign created a video to change the meaning of the phrase 'like a girl', tried to improve the confidence of female, especially girls who are at puberty. The creative insight of the campaign was based on our culture. Because the gender stereotypes are so enrooted in culture, sometimes it included the language. In fact, most of the time, the expression 'like a girl' is used as an insult to describe people who are disabled and weak. It made a disadvantageous effect on females. Actually, the truth might be opposite. From the video, we saw that young girls always show the strength and power they have. They have not been influenced by the definition of 'girl'. 'Like a girl' just mean doing something as best as they could. The main platform of the campaign is YouTube and social platform. They created the hashtag #LikeAGirl to appeal people to take part in the activity. Facts proved that it is valid. The company used the power of social media to affect culture.

Then, I used some PR theories to examine the campaign. Bourdieu's theory about cultural capital is related to this campaign. According to Bourdieu, we know that cultural capital is quite import to form people's taste and value. It is a link between individual and family's background and education, the reason why Always company created the campaign was that it tried to change some wrong part in people's cultural capital. The change not only could transform people's behavior and language to females, but also the traditional thinking of women in society.

Another theory I used in this paper is the gender theory. The gender problem always exists in our society. The location of the two sexes is not equal actually. From the video, it is believed that our society had a traditional defining of female. Some people misunderstood the phrase 'like a girl' in a derogatory way. The situation affects the relationship between women and society. It might define that females are weaker than males. Actually, it is demonstrated that gender is not totally natural. It is formed by culture in some ways, gender is an identity tenuously constituted in time through a stylized repetition of acts. People always say man is strong, women is weak. Individual learned how to show their gender through these expressions. But not only that, it makes the next generation learn the wrong gender expression from it. It is showed that culture makes people to be a girl or a boy. Therefore, culture has always affected a lot of behaviours of us. If our culture told us girls should be shy and weak, females would be shaped like these. The campaign of Always Company broke the tradition in some ways. It make people especially females began to think about their perspective of the gender expression.

Based on the previous analysis of the campaign, it is illustrated that 'like a girl' campaign is a successful and useful PR activity. Since the video, 'like a girl' is not an insult anymore, and girls got more support and confidence when they experience the most important time in their life, and the public has a new view to the phrase and females. Except the popular social problem, the brand itself also gained the huge success. Always company became one of the most famous companies of feminine care.

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